Does Lee have a full time Fire Department?

The Town of Lee has what is commonly referred to as a combination department. That means we work with full time people and call men sometimes called volunteer firefighters. The full time staff holds down the fort 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Currently there are 2 firefighters on a shift. They spend their day cleaning equipment and making sure it is ready on a moments notice, answering fire and medical calls and training. All of our full time people are also either EMT's or Paramedics.

The other half of the gang are the call force. They are our community firefighters often leaving work or family functions to provide service to the community when called upon. The men and women of the call force are the brunt of our emergency force. Without them, the full time staff would struggle and because of the full time staff, the demands on our community firefighter have been lessened.

The mutual respect and the esprit de corps is what make the combination department work. The men and women of the Lee Fire Department are proud to serve the community, never in one category or the other but just as firefighters.