Food Waste 101 Webinar - held May 19 2021 - offered a wealth of practical information. We recorded it so you can watch it now.

Originally planned as a live event by the Lee Chamber of Commerce, Lee Greener Gateway Committee, Recycling Works, the Berkshire Zero Waste Program, and representatives from local businesses, the webinar is worth your time because what you learn could help you and the planet.

Reducing and separating out food waste offers significant benefits - not only to food service providers, but also to solid waste disposal systems and the environment. At least a couple of restaurants in Lee have diverted food waste from their trash, and more disposal opportunities and resources exist than ever before to help you reduce and productively dispose of your food waste. Learn about all this and more during the webinar, including questions and answers.

Click here for the webinar recording and click here for the slides. The webinar will provide practical tips you could put to good use. 

We hope you find the webinar useful. After watching the webinar, if you would like help in addressing your food waste, reach out to one or more of the webinar participants, whose contact information appears in the last slide.