Submit Comments on PCB Draft Transportation Proposal


The Select Board would like to receive public comments on the draft transportation proposal. Please note that these proposals are a preliminary draft.  The town is seeking input in order to suggest potential changes to the EPA.   A revised draft will eventually be available for an EPA public comment period prior to final permitting. 

CLICK HERE for general information regarding the truck routes including a description and a working draft of the mapping.

CLICK HERE for the video recording of the meeting where EPA and GE shared information on the draft routes followed by public discussion.

CLICK HERE for meeting minutes (of the above recorded meeting). 

CLICK HERE for a copy of the GE presentation. These slides include mapped routes along with data related to expected truck traffic during each phase.  Please note that the routes in Lee are primarily in Orange.  These routes are labeled for the movement of material that will be shipped out of state via Route 90.  This material will be approximately 100,000 cubic yards, while the green routes (material remaining in Berkshire Cty) includes approximately 1,300,000 cubic yards.  

CLICK HERE to submit comments

*More information will be posted on this page as it becomes available