Do I need a permit for a shed?

There are several answers to this question.

1. A shed that is accessory to a one or two family dwelling requires a permit unless the shed is one story and the floor area does not exceed 200 square feet

2. A shed that is accessory to any structure other than a one or two family home requires a permit unless the shed is one story and the floor area does not exceed 120 square feet.

 Although accessory structures of these limited sizes do not require permits, the location of the structure shall meet the dimensional setback requirements found in the Lee Zoning Bylaw copied below.


A) No accessory building or structure shall be located within the required front yard area. No accessory building shall be located in any side yard area nearer to the side lot line than 10 feet or in a rear yard area nearer to the rear lot line than 10 feet. Lots located on the corner of the street, road, avenue, terrace or public way will require that no accessory building shall be located in any side yard area nearer to the side lot line than 25 feet. Note: Addition of a private detached garage must be 10 feet off the main structure.

Accessory structures that do not fall under these size limitations require a permit from the Lee Building Department.  For more information, please call our office at 413-243-5518