Thin Filmed Plastic Bag and Polystyrene Initiative

The Tri-Town Health Department, the Lee Recycling Committee, and the Lenox Environmental Committee, supported by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection and local volunteers, are examining issues surrounding the use of polystyrene drink and food containers and thin-film plastic bags. We are exploring options for possibly regulating either or both of them and promoting safe, reusable, and sustainable alternatives. Our goal is to have consistent measures across our three towns that enhance public and environmental health and reduce waste management problems. 

Click on the following Links for more information:

Town of Lee Materials 

Town of Lee Approved List of Alternative Products

Transition Tips for Town of Lee Businesses

Town of Lee Polystyrene By-Law

Town of Lee Bylaw on Thin Film Plastic Bags


Town of Lenox Materials 

Town of Lenox-Polystyrene Regulation 

Town of Lenox-Thin Film Plasitc Bag bag Regulation

Lenox Board of Health Approved List of Alternative Products 

Town of Stockbridge

Town of Stockbridge-Polystyrene Regulations

Town of Stockbridge-Thin Film Plastic Bag Regulation